Saturday, January 21, 2012

Rain Rain Rain...
Sitting on the couch,
Looking out the sky.
The sky is crying,
The wind is sighing.
Close my eyes,
Listen to my heart.
the melody of the tears,
giving me a calm.
Sigh from the wind,
freezing my cheek.
I'm standing in the cold,
but coldness from my heart.
A little of the warm,
Is the feeling from you.
Hugging me from back,
closer and tighter.
A smiling face appear,
a familiar voice at ears.
Touching on my face,
some words from you.
You will always be with me,
I will never be alone.
Tears dropping,
but from me not the sky.
You will never understand,
you will never believe.
Just a simple words,
but it's touching my heart.
Open my eyes,
just to see clearer.
Myself and me,
Still the only sitting here.
You are still not here,
there's no one hugging me.
You are just a dream,
which i willing to sleep for life.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sometimes dreams came in a form no one can fathom. Added on to my heart's collection.

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